1970 entries.
Chris Butterfield
wrote on September 25, 2014
4:48 pm
Dear Tom,
I don't know if you get embarrassed by the compliments you get but you do fully deserve all of them in my opinion. I could go on and on about how much happiness you have given me since I first sore you on TV in 1974 as Doctor Who. In my heart you were my first Doctor and when you left the show in 1981 I'm afraid no actor has ever matched your portrait of the Doctor. You always impressed me grately in your interviews while you were the Doctor. When the interviewer would ask you what's the best thing about being Doctor Who you would always talk about how much joy it gave you to visit schools and such like and see how much excitement and happiness the children experienced from meeting you. Alas, I was never that lucky as a child to meet you.
I just want to finish by saying that you will always be my Doctor Who & I am so proud as a fan of all your achievements in your life private and public so far but I'm sure there will be more to come. Take care & all the very best to you Tom. XXX
wrote on September 24, 2014
12:42 pm
Hi Tom
You were my hero wheN I was a teenager and you still are. I work as a scientist at the Natural history museum which you are in part responsible for. Thankyou.
Do you still have your electric smile?
Bob Edwards
Ontario, Canada
wrote on September 24, 2014
3:58 am
Dear Tom,
Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with all of us in your wonderful portrayal of "The Doctor." I was a child in the 1970s when you came on the scene. The shows were like magic. They were filled with fun, adventure, friendship and hope. This was a wonderful departure for me as a boy from some of the harsher realities of life.
I also want to say I was very moved by your autobiography. I especially identified with sections on your childhood and your journey with God.
My own exploration of faith has taken me through some experiences that seem to mirror your own.
Needless to say, this left me in need of healing, both from some of those "harsher realities" I mentioned, and from a form of religion that I would describe as far from healthy.
Strangely enough, this led me to an understanding of God as love. I've shared some of my journey in the form of a book that was recently published. I'd send you a copy if I knew where to address it, but I'm sure privacy for you is a precious and hard-won commodity.
Though I can't send you one, I'd like to at least make you aware of it, in the event that you might like to read it. It's available on amazon in the U.K., and it's called "A God I'd Like to Meet: Separating the Love of God from Harmful Traditional Beliefs." If you do choose to read it, I hope that you find it encouraging.
Thank you again for all the many years of joy you have brought to me and so many others, including my children, who dearly love "the Fourth Doctor" and all of his wonderful companions.
Bob Edwards
andrea butler
wrote on September 23, 2014
3:03 pm
Our 11 year old son conor has just recieved an autographed picture from you, he was so over the moon with it that he cried with happieness. every time he looks at the picture he wells up. Tom Baker you have made our so a very very happy boy thankyou. You are one of his most favourite doctor xx
Joanne Brown
wrote on September 23, 2014
10:33 am
Thankyou so much Tom for the autograph i purchased in the shop.
My partner James was over the moon and hasnt stopped smiling since it arrived this morning
He said it is the best gift he has ever recieved
Best wishes Joanne and James x
(ps it will have pride of place on my living room wall)
Michelle Thaller
Washington DC
wrote on September 22, 2014
6:46 pm
I was surreptitiously looking at my stash of your pictures on my laptop this morning during another long management meeting at NASA, where I am a Director of Science. A good day, though; our latest spacecraft arrived at Mars and many good people were happy. I had joked to someone looking over my shoulder that the fact I had a crush on you beginning when I was 14 had led to lots of good decisions in life. Not only life as a scientist (and yes, I know you're not a big fan of such things), but also my choice in men. I married someone who reminded me of the Doctor; a tall, soft, brilliant English man who is deeply gentle but surprisingly strong. The Doctor also gave me a social conscience and a strong rejection of cynicism. He has been a good role model for me, and through my whole life there has been this imaginary friend who looks like you did in 1980 who has followed me around and offered good advice. For all you did in creating that character, I thank you.
Christine Dahmer
Stickney, Il. U.S.A.
wrote on September 22, 2014
4:52 pm
Thanks for the memories. I enjoyed watching you as the fourth Doctor. When you left I didn't enjoy the series any more. Recently finished watching all of the fourth Doctor series. Love the humor. Just finisher reading your auto biography.I was bought up Catholic and went to a Catholic grammar school. Your book brought back memories some good some bad. Tom, best wishes to you and yours now and always.
Christine Dahmer
Lee Hartnup
Eastbourne East Sussex
wrote on September 22, 2014
2:05 pm
hahaha! Oh Tom Baker! You are an absolute joy! I just read an article in our local mag saying that you now live in Rye. I live in Eastbourne, bifocul shop windows et al, and now I can entertain the fantasy that, who knows? living in the same county one day I might hear a huge fruity ' Hello! and turn to see you there! I saw you at a book signing in Dartford about 300 years ago and you left before I could get my book signed, you did leave your jelly babies on the table but I wass scared to nick one in case the daleks got me! haha! Well heres wishing you all the very best in everything you do and everyone you meet, I would love to meet you some day because by Gods you do make me grin!( that and the fact your autograph would be treasured, as you were my doctor!) Best wishes and fondest regards, your devoted fan, Lee
Myron Cornett
United States
wrote on September 21, 2014
5:52 pm
Thank You for giving my family and I such wonderful family times watching your incredible acting on everything from Dr. Who to Narnia. I enjoyed your portrayal of the Marsh Wiggle.
You have touched hearts within our home and around the world. You are always welcome anytime, anyplace, anywhere. Tardis or otherwise 🙂
Thank You Tom.
The Cornett Family,
Shelton, WA. USA
John F Kadolph
United States
wrote on September 21, 2014
5:10 am
You are really quite fantastic and I thank you for all the joy you have brought to me and my family. We wish you a thousand years of happiness!
Lisa Deweese
Albuquerque New Mexico
wrote on September 20, 2014
10:00 pm
I love you very much and i always have since the very first time i saw you. Thank you for all the years you have worked so hard to intertain me and my family we love you and your work is so awesome. have a wonderful day. and may God bless you and keep you and make his face to smile down upon you. your friend forever lisa deweese
Jan Grokett
Orange Park, Fl
wrote on September 20, 2014
8:15 pm
Dear Tom,
Love your new website. Hope all is well with you, Sue, Poppie and your kitties. I love the lovely picture of you holding a kitten. Just bought one. So many memories Russ and I have of you. We wish wish you great love and blessings.
With Love,
Jan G
wrote on September 20, 2014
5:38 pm
My doctor!
I wish i have a chance for see you.undisputed, you are the best doctor ever =) thanks for all the beautiful memories and stories. We love you so much!
Amy McLaughlin
Bremen, Maine, USA
wrote on September 20, 2014
4:47 pm
My father introduced me to "Doctor Who" when I was young, we used to watch it every Saturday night on Channel 10, PBS. I will always remember you as my "first" Doctor, and what a fun connection the show was with my dad. Thank You!
Darren Phillips
Luton, Beds. UK.
wrote on September 20, 2014
3:16 am
Thank you so much for all the joy you have brought to all our lives. You make me laugh, smile, feel better, and cry, Captain Rum! You are such a significant thing from my Childhood, like music and going conkering! In fact, I nearly missed the '79 Who debut as I had fallen out of a tree in a rush to get some good ones and be back for you on the telly! I was pretty bashed up, but I made it! And then in the 90s I broke my collarbone skateboarding in the SAME park after a Sunday lunch imbibing. Time has been kind to my favourite Timelord! XXX P.S. Saint Etienne namechecked you in a lovely song called "Milkbottle Symphony". You have SUCH wide appeal, I hope to see you in Star Wars!!!
Jennie Smith
Corvallis, Oregon, USA
wrote on September 18, 2014
2:18 am
Hello Mr. Baker,
I will confess up-front that I became acquainted with Doctor Who beginning with Christopher Eccelston's Doctor and going forward from there to the current. However, thanks to Netflix, I have also just recently been enjoying some of the "classic" episodes, many of which are your Doctor due, I imagine, to the fact that you had the role for so many years. 😉 As with every new Doctor, I had to settle in with each actor's take on the role, but I just wanted to say thank you for the range you brought to it. I've enjoyed the moments of fun shown in your smile and the twinkle in your eyes, as well as the seriousness when needed to satisfy the situation. I wish I could see all of your episodes, but alas, there appears to be only a small selection online at this point. At any rate, thank you for your work as the fourth Doctor - well done!
Sending you all the very best wishes for days of happiness and health.
Jennie in Oregon, USA 🙂
Scott Dobravolsky
Huntsville, AL
wrote on September 18, 2014
1:57 am
Thank you Tom for setting the standard for what the doctor was,is and always will be! God bless!
The best Doctor ever!
Mark A Putman
Phoenix AZ USA
wrote on September 17, 2014
6:28 pm
I just finished watching The Day of the Doctor. What a treat to see you in the episode. It left me a bit emotional. I'm about 41 now, and your work has really made a lasting impression on me. I'm so happy I got to see you again in the world of Dr Who. A big fan.
Mark Putman
Don Sutter
Boise, Idaho
wrote on September 16, 2014
9:48 pm
Thanks Tom for "That's the trouble with answers ... they take time". You're still my favorite Doctor.
Mary Ellen Daugherty
Santa Maria, California, USA
wrote on September 16, 2014
12:44 pm
The totally charming inscribed photo of you and kitty which I ordered from your new online shop arrived in yesterday's mail. I absolutely love it! Thank you so much for bringing so much joy into my life and that of so many others.
Alan Strang
wrote on September 16, 2014
2:09 am
Hi Tom,
Was nice to see you in the recent Doctor Who anniversary show. It made the episode to have you in it right at the end gave everyone a right treat.
I just thought I'd leave you a message to say to this day Captain Rum makes me laugh still, you stole that whole episode of Blackadder. I don't know if it was scripted or you kind of doing your own thing but some of the lines you gave made me cry the first time I watched it.
Glad to see your still working at the young old age of 80. I bet people ask you all the same things about Doctor Who and those scarves,
Anyway.... Aaaaahhh you have a woman's purse... I ll let you finish it.
All the best keep well
Bartholomew J. Ebey
bloomington in. u
wrote on September 16, 2014
12:47 am
My dad first showed me doctor who in 1978 WGBH in Boston and you were the first and the best of doctor who. I'm turning 40 this year on the 23rd of Nov. and as you know doctor who on the same day in 1963! you are a hero to some of us and always will be.
on holiday in st leonards on sea
wrote on September 15, 2014
11:51 am
thank you tom for a tomtastic day at big finish day 5 on the 13th of September you have made my year again not to mention brigitte's year .it was great chatting to you and hope you and sue enjoyed the wine . thanks again from the troublesome two lol
Jay Taylor
wrote on September 15, 2014
6:38 am
Dear Tom - I've always thought that when you find yourself with the opportunity to say thank you to someone who has made you happy in life you should seize the moment. So I'm tip-tapping this to underline my thanks at the Big Finish 5 shindig this weekend just gone, and to say thank you for your time there of course. It was a delight to hear you talk, and my daughter Dolly is still getting to grips with the notion of her Dad meeting Doctor Who, “Really Dad? Doctor Who number four? Really?!?!” So a hearty thank you from two generations of Taylors up in Manchester, you’ve made us extremely happy over the years.
Jay Taylor
Cameron Clark
Scotland , fife , Kirkcaldy
wrote on September 14, 2014
6:12 pm
Hello Tom , me and my girlfriend met you yesterday at Big Finish day 5 for the first time.I was hoping to ask you a question but I am afraid to say I ran out of time! So I thought I'd ask via your site. have you given your likeness to Doctor who legacy? It's a mobile game. I was wondering because they can't have a doctor who game without you! Thank you again we've both enjoyed meeting you.
Nicky Hepworth
United Kingdom
wrote on September 14, 2014
4:24 pm
Dear Tom
Thank you for making the Big Finish event yesterday so fantastic. I traveled over 400 miles in a day to see you and it was well worth it. You were as engaging and welcoming as always. And for me Tom Baker you certainly made my day! Thank you.
Love Nicky (Liverpool)
John Mitchell
Fort Myers Fl USA
wrote on September 13, 2014
2:26 am
Tom, I don't often write or email folks from the, as you say Telli, or the Silver screen. Yet having come across your site I wish to take a moment to thank you for introducing me to the world of Dr. Who. You were my first Doctor all so many years ago. I was just turning 20 then and next year I will be entering my sixty's. Still dearly love the show thru all the years and have always found it much fun and a huge diversion from the mundane and sometimes tragic world we live in
So thank you and all the Doctors before and after for the Joy you have brought to the millions of fans. My the good lord keep you in his heart and well in your later years, God Bless...
Nicky Hepworth
United Kingdom
wrote on September 12, 2014
4:15 pm
Dear Tom
Fantastic new website. Thank you for the autograph and photograph facility. I ordered my first and received it within 48 hours! brilliant.
Love Nicky
Gerry Spencer
Ely, Cambs
wrote on September 12, 2014
9:29 am
Mr Baker, - for I feel many strangers assume that have the right to address you familiarly, but the honorific is important - your work inspired me. I wanted to become a man of science, of occult knowledge, to understand the workings of the universe, based on the Dr Who I knew. But also, the moral compass (should I destroy the Daleks?) and the humble and revealing autobiography (so much the opposite to most actor-luvvies with their self-serving self-congratulatory remoulding of the facts) which I have re-read recently. Due in no small part to your influence in my upbringing, even with a poor collection of A-levels but an inquisitove mind, I am now an engineer with Land Rover. I credit your ability to impart the concept that the impossible is within reach and no situation is so dire that it cannot be rescued to my advancement.
The Little Britain stuff cracks me up as well!
Many many thanks sir.
Your most fond admirer,
Tim Mabe
Greensboro, NC, USA
wrote on September 11, 2014
11:32 pm
I just watched the 50th Anniversary Special and it was great seeing you. I started watching Dr. Who in the early 70's (late teens) and I stopped watching every week after you no longer played Dr. Who. I watched some episodes today with my 12 year son and I told him about watching Dr. Who at a time before VHS recording was available. These were the days that you had to make sure you were at home to watch the show as it aired on the network. He now wants to watch the past episodes, especially the ones you starred in. With the help of today's digital technology we will start watching on the weekends. Looking forward to watching these episodes again. God bless you and keep you well.